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In the Shadchan's Foyer
Latest Episode - No App Needed
Podcast: In the Shadchan's Foyer

Much like dating, listening to our podcast might not be productive, but hopefully, it will at least be "a nice experience".

In the Shadchan's Foyer is a satirical take on all things Shidduch and Shidduchim related, and Frum single life in general.

With a bit of random humor thrown in, because the Shadchan said to keep it light.


Produced by Shidch App

Episode 1: Of Cell Phones & Chargers

What started off as an Elon Musk meme (because everyone and their mother is podcasting) and what I thought was a clever hypothetical podcast title, soon turned into a joke I was having too much fun taking too seriously.

With the spirit of @Shidch.App flowing freely, and the help of many friends and followers, this soon spiraled into this mini-episode.

Will we continue? G-d only knows.

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